Electric six gay bar hi res

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The idea is a steadfast collective output of excellence, which E6 is well on the way to. charts, whatever that stands for these days. The Detroit band, which tossed around other names including Black Guy, Action News Sex Stars of 1977 and the Pretty Boys before settling on Electric Six, is recording studio disc number 11 this spring, a fertile output for a band that has only once hit the U.S. Yea, sure, and in that minvan, crank the E6 oeuvre: Song titles like “I Buy the Drugs,” “I Never F****d Her,” “Gay Bar” and “I’m the Devil.” Might as well keep a home in the ‘burbs and buy a minivan.

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Record the next record the first half of the year, put it out in the fall.

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Being in Electric Six is like being an average Joe working the shifts.

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